Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Still going …

These tulips (and daffs) are around 4 weeks old!  They are sat out in the conservatory which has no heating so prefers a cooler climate.

When I retired, my leaving gift was a 2.5hr session at a pottery studio  to throw pots, for two people.  Today hubby and I had this session.  So much to learn and take in, like patting your head and rubbing your tummy, but we managed (with the tutors expert help) to throw 2 pots each!  We have to wait now for up to 8 weeks (with the electricity costs he waits until he has a full kiln before putting on).  Will post the results when we collect.  It was fun, but I won’t be taking up this hobby.

Popped into work this afternoon then on to the pub as a colleague has left to go to another department.  Sorry to see her leave, but she is still with the council so still see her now and then.

This evening we caught up on The Great Pottery Throw Down - better now that we are experts now (he he he he).


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