Hessen Park
Seeing as most of today was actually written in the last post...we woke up around 12 and ate a delicious lunch. Roast beef swimming in gravy covering Knödel, Broccoli, Blaukraut, and some form of Potato Croquettes (i think). After this, Franzie, her parents and I all went to Hessen Park which is a replication of an old German city. (http://www.hessenpark.de/index.php?id=english) It was interesting to see all the German traditional foundations, the architecture, and learn about the everyday life (and because i'm a nerd, yes, I enjoyed this). We went into some of the shops where they handmade everything and I found a perfect gift for my mom! (: We meandered from house to house as they patiently explained everything to me, however, most of the buildings had a description of the details of the house written in English below, so that was awesome. They also had many animals including goats, sheep, pigs, and whatnot. I feel like I got some great pictures of all of these things, but decided to put this one up because of the patience and good relationship I have with Franzie's parents. They were patient to help and were excited when we all understood each other. They showed me the Porsche tractor and thought it was hilarious how surprised I was of its maker and the fact that they still make tractors to this day. Who knew?!? They told me to get on the tractor for a picture, yelled at a boy for trying to cut in front of me, and were a lot of fun to be around the whole day! Its a great feeling when you feel at home when its not actually the case. After this we all went home, ate, and went to bed. An overall successful day (:
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