another glorious day!!! dry and sunny….and 13 c…..
somehow my day got filled with allsorts….
a trip to town to sort out part of my repeats with the chemist, which took ages because they couldn’t find it…..good i had a txt from the gp to back my request up,
popped into Marks to pick up a hunter’s green longish dress…..i saw yesterday online….
trying it on at home it’s lovely, so i wanted to iron it so i could wear it….:)
did the ironing that had been waiting 2 weeks….:)
my neighbour M dropped off a bunch of daffs and started chatting, so 
i asked her in, as she never gets a chance to go out….we had a good natter….
i’ve blipped this jitty before but never focused on this part of it….Oswestry’s own ‘bridge of sighs’…..:)

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