Galloping Galanthus Batman!

Oh Well ... another trip to the hospital day ...

Gill has been feeling quite down for a couple of days, and the cardio support nurses thought a GP check would be in order just in case she was reacting to the several drugs she is taking.  She saw one of the GP Registrars at 11:20 (from an 09:20 call) and he spent quite a while listening to what she said, what I said and her breathing.  Nothing conclusive but as she had fluid on her lungs in hospital he thought an x-ray might help, even though he couldn't hear anything for definite.  The only  way to get that done is a visit to A&E where the wait was 14 (yes fourteen!) hours - and thats not including the queue to speak to the nurse on reception. 

Gill decided it was better to wait and see rather than risk sitting in a crowded room for that long. She does feel better now, so perhaps she over did things yesterday.

This galanthus (snowdrop) is one cultivated by a friend and brought as a gift a couple of days back.  One for Flower Friday.

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