From the Darkness into the Light

An appropriate Flower for the Friday of Imbolc. The snowdrops came, even as (thankfully) the snow did not. 

Set midway between the celebrations of death and life - Samhain and Beltane - or, if you choose, halfway between Christmas and Easter, Imbolc is the waking up of the world. Clear signs of the newly greened landscape begin to show, and the snowdrops in Janet's garden evidence this delightfully.

Twenty one years ago today we birthed The Druid Network. I wrote the press release this morning, and reflected how gently this path shows itself. No bombs, no guns, no dogma, just celebration of the living web of connection and interdependency. May only good things find you this spring. /|\

I gave in... Following all the comments on yesterday's page I swapped out the main and extra. I do always appreciate the feedback and it was clear that the extra should have been given the prime position. And thank you.

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