
It is January 31st 2024

A historical date!

I am paying my first ever TAX BILL since I am running this business!!


This means 2022-2023 I actually made money and broke the tax free allowance threshold!!!


Since I started my biz properly in 2019 right before we all got locked up, I grew my business constantly year over year.

I also invested A LOT in me and my business!


More coaching ….. more training …. and some more learning

All these investments (ok - not ALL of them hahaha - but that is a different story) have been so worth it!

I was growing as a business owner
I was growing as a person

I was growing spiritually

I am expanding in a way I had never imagined 

And I will continue to grow and invest and expand 

I am paying my first tax bill with joy and gratitude!

Mind you - for exactly this occasion I have saved a very special bottle of bubbly

It was a present from one of my amazing clients after her first ever brand shoot last year down in sunny Kent.

The food choice was crispy duck by the way

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