Geocaching at Crosby

I took this photo as it was a requirement for logging a find on the new Virtual cache there, Sentinels of the Sea.
I love the Iron Men ("Another Place") although a number of them are either sinking or the sand is burying them. One only has its head above the sand.
Extra is of one of the sunken statues.
It was bitter cold on the beach today and i managed to find a bit of sinking sand which was having a strong suction effect on my wellies. I managed to keep them on and get out of it but it spooked me for going further out, especially as I noticed the channel of water behind me appeared to be getting deeper. The tide looked a long way out and full tide was not due for several hours but I still had concerns about getting cut off. I know I'm a "worst case scenario" type of person at times (all the time my other half would say) but there was nobody as far out as I was so I soon headed back to nearer the dunes. On leaving the beach I read the sign which said the beach is hazardous and to stay within 50 metres of the promenade! Oops.

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