Lisa's life...

By lisa24270

Flowers in a Vase

LED flowers in a glass vase...because I can't bear to pack away all the little lights I get out at Christmas! 

Dentist this morning to make permanent a temporary filling (this was very temporary indeed and lost itself in a mince pie at Christmas!)...needed an extra shot of anaesthetic again and felt quite woozy after but at least I was brave and got it done. 

Back in a couple of weeks for a postponed check-up and polish and in the meantime I'll be having a consultation with the implant dentist...I considered going elsewhere but my first choice is even more expensive and I defintely didn't want somewhere totally unfamiliar doing that surgery however much cheaper! As it turns out the dental nurse that assists my dentist also assists with the implant visits so I'm already more relaxed about the decision knowing a kind and friendly girl will be there throughout :) 

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