Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy


I was looking for something in the garage when I came across a box that hadn’t been unpacked since we moved in nearly 18 years ago.

The Mallen trilogy - my mum and I used to read Catherine Cookson avidly, usually books borrowed from the library but we must have bought some - £1.25 is the price on the back.

Tax Handbook - I did the peer review for that and have a mention in the foreword. It’s signed by the author - somehow I don’t think I’ll be taking it to Antiques Roadshow though.

Magic Eye - remember when they were all the rage? I have a headache now.

Thunderbirds - beloved by David; I can’t bear to throw that out.

Cats - that was mine as a child - I used to look at it lovingly whenever we were in M and S (remember the St Michael brand?) and then Santa brought it for me. I don’t even like cats.

McDonald’s collectibles - I literally have no idea why that was saved.

I didn’t find what I was looking for though.

Wedding anniversary today - 32 - we are headed out for dinner tonight, although a certain husband scheduled a filling for this afternoon so he may be dribbling his wine everywhere.

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