Went to upholstery this morning. This chair is taking much longer than my others as I’m doing it in the traditional way , though i’ve realised this photo doesn’t show the how I built up the chair since my last blip. Must try to remember when I do the arms! Left there and drove to Mansfield to visit C in hospital. She was quite tearful at times but other than that I felt that her mental state was a little better . She still hadn't seen any physios though - frustrating. I asked about her anti depressants and wad told they hadn't been prescribed. Spoke to a very helpful junior doctor who said they were changing the type . Also took the opportunity to ask about other things so made notes and passed all the information to G so that he can follow things up. I was impressed with him , there is a good plan in place and hd was very responsive when he spoke to me and to C - we just need the plan to start to happen. I had planned to pop in to see my Dad afterwards but he had been invited to his friend A for a meal.
Got home and had dinner before walking to Ns for food bank committee meeting. It went well and we finished early but then stayed around chatting. Made a couple of tentative arrangements for cinema visits.

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