At Wildwood

This picture was taken last night and symbolized for me all the warm care we experienced when we visited Jenny and Oilman for the fourth or fifth time, since we got to know each other here on Blip. We got pampered very much and enjoyed the time we spent together in every regard. Jenny even baked a fabulous apple tarte. We were aware that this might have been our last visit, for various reasons. What a joy to have known each other here on and through Blip. I wish we could be neighbors, but seen the real estate prices in California, we would never be able to buy a house there. The next morning we left their area in Sonoma County and drove south to visit hubby’s sister. After braving lots of traffic and streets that were build above and underneath each other like a spaghetti bowl, some with 6 lanes on each side (these were the hardest to brave) we arrived at Santa Monica by 4.30. A full day with many images but hardly any time to stop and enjoy the scenery. There were just no rest areas and not enough gas stations next to I 5. At the beginning of our drive shortly south of Ashland, Mount Shasta showed a fabulously clouded top, which is in the extra.

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