
By pensionspoet

County Hall

It was hard getting up at 6 today….which is why I didn’t actually get up until 6.17. Then flew into the shower and got dressed, made up, hair dried and breakfast eaten, all by 7. I had to take Jon’s car because I found last night when returning from yoga, that mine had one headlight out. Plus it was -1 degrees and the windscreen needed to be scraped. I eventually got away at 7.15 and in at 8.15.

A day in the office and lunch with some of my work colleagues was nice. Not a lot of work done by me, as I spent the morning going through some specific areas of work with a couple in the team.

Left at 5, and then had the most horrendous journey home, getting in at 6.45. So feeling shattered but was keen to do some writing before I go to bed. Managed to push my total up to 10965. Happy with that for my first milestone. Lowest option of 220 a day meant 6800, so I’ve exceeded that. February is going to be harder, but I’ve left myself some wriggle room for days I don’t manage it! Would like to get to 20,000 though..,let’s see!

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