St Barnabas

On Ranmore Common.  I know I have posted this before. No matter. it is a lovely church founded by George Cubitt (son of Thomas). see more here:
I was en route to Dorking, the main goal to meet a young person in the EE shop who (eventually) set up my new phone. This took her some 3 hours (it still says some things are in progress). BUT if it took her 3 hours it would have taken me 3 days+. I also popped into Sainsbury for a few bits and pieces and another phone shop to buy a screen protector and case. Also to get another quote for sorting out a dent (I don't know, I don't think that it was me) in the tailgate of my lovely Kia. and some scratches (deffo me) on the plastic wheel trims. 

All accomplished, including having a £5 lunch at the Dorking Christian Centre. V good value for roast chicken, roasties, a Yorkshire pud and veg. But not home till 1400 which was a much longer morning than I had anticipated. The lovely lady at EE did say "I don't want to keep you waiting. I'll show you what to do and you can do it yourself." Well I don't think so. I will wait. 

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