Zoom Call

He wasn't hanging around zooming past and neither was I to be fair.

I will refrain from treating you to my underwear scenario. Gone are those heady days of flimsy skimpy, the winter thermals have really come to town with a vengance.

I debated with myself if I should even get out of the car - it was bad enough opening a window with the wind funnelling over the hill tops and as I couldn't see any owls at any point I sat in relative comfort and listened to a drama. This all changed when a kestrel flew past the window and hovered, moved and hovered again so I opened the door. It was pure luck I had the lens on him as he flew.

The morning started with the 'get out of jail card' by filing the vat return which has been hanging over me like the sword of Damocles, went to the gym as needs must then came home to drink a ghastly green concoction that looks like something from Quatermass. I have this on good authority, 'Mum this is really great. You will feel so much more ......' well everything. Squished up face here. We shall see.

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