
By MumOf4Wildlings

Wildling down

Lincoln told me this morning he didn't feel great. But he's quite the drama queen about things so I sent him to school anyway. Blipper MrsMud called and said he was poorly, quite glad the school see the drama queen side of things too. Hehe. But bless him, he has a temp of 41.4 and has been lying on the sofa since he came home. 

Me and the Jedi nearly got blown over today by the wind when cycling home. The gust were over 40mph according to my app. 

The other wildlings have been playing with beaded squeezy foam. My friend from work bought them it. They love it. 

Look what my lovely blipper friend Mrs HCB sent in the post for me ( see extra ). I still remember my first ever one of those chocolates 

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