
By Gasman

Quite pretty for a tree rat.

Went into town for my annual eye-check early this morning. They always question my optic disc appearance and therefore always check my visual fields: a test that I find quite challenging because of the concentration it requires to do it properly. They always sign me off in the end as being “normal variation”. Oh well, better to be sure. Interestingly they found a reduction in my short sightedness and recommended I change my lenses. Fine, but varifocals are quite expensive. After an hour in the optician I popped into the market and bought some fresh dressed crab for tonight and some vegetables.
In the afternoon, I went for a long walk with the dogs as Sally was busy preparing for an important zoom meeting.Grey squirrels are commonplace in the parks during this mild weather. Despite their reputation, they’re still quite sweet and colourful close up.

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