Big Yellow Taxi

Not sure what Joni Mitchell would make of this. It’s definitely yellow, but far from big. In fact the Bajaj Qute, the latest Joburg “taxi”.

It’s not even classified as a car, but rather a compact quadricycle but there are growing numbers of them on our roads as the cheapest form of local private transport.

Thato is invariably late for work, so a Qute has become his go to vehicle to catch up on lost minutes. Mind you, he no longer gets dropped off at the door, mostly to save him from the derision of his colleagues who tease him about using a Tuktuk. The fact that it can get up the hills to our offices should be admired given its tiny power, but Thato is more interested in saving money, so good on him.

I don’t think I would like to be in one when it is challenged by our hoards of minibus taxis though.

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