They Are Growing

Needless to say, when I got up it was still dark and I followed on from yesterday and took a couple of shots of the standard lamp next to my chair (just in case I needed a Blip).

After our morning visit from Squirrel we headed off to do a spot of shopping - after all, we had to get ingredients for the green soup SWMBO was going to make in the new blender.
When we had finished, my back was still letting me know who was in charge (well, who it thought was in charge) so I went out to stand in front of the lathe for a while before coming in for that lovely green soup. What SWMBO has found is the power isn't as high as the old one so needs to run for longer to heat the soup up.
Last night I removed the rheostat on the power dial from the old machine to see if it needed cleaned (I suspected not). It didn't. It is knackered and the machines manufacturer has stopped selling them and to send it back to have one fitted is just not viable (they are in the USA).

There was a phone call from No1 son early afternoon - to let us know that he had just had his blood pressure taken .... and it was through the roof. No idea why, but tomorrow he is going to be fitted with monitor.

After school time we took Squirrel home and sat 'looking after' her and her brother until Bags got home. I took some pictures of the cats (well, 2 of them). What a size they are getting to you can see in the shot above (and also in the other ones I took Over HERE

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