Snowdrops - the annual catch

Geoff popped round this morning to
check the images were in the right order for my presentation on Thursday. Then I altered some of what I’d be saying and printed it out. I’m feeling ready but nervous.

After lunch I had a 3.5 mile walk in the woods along behind Shona’s and then up to the kissing gate and on to the moor. I found it hard going in the cold wind but was glad I got out are there was a bit of sun. The rain we had last night had fallen as snow on Cheviot and Hedgehope.

I just managed to get all my oranges, lemons and grapefruit chopped and soaked in 6 pints of water with the pips soaking separately in a pint of water. Now I need to find the muslin to tie the pips in for boiling. Tomorrow I’ll make the marmalade. It’s my mother’s recipe.

Now I must dash as we are going over to Chris for supper

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