
By ExtraDays


Just before we head down the slope of the Waud Trail, we stand in a certain spot to line up Mt Hood between the 3rd or 4th wire and feel all's well in the world. Not really, but on cloudy or foggy days, it's fun to figure out where it is, especially in relation  to the sun that is appearing farther and farther to the left as the days get longer. We are easily entertained, but today I also felt a little unease after spotting a raccoon standing at the edge of the paved trail. It stood very still for just a little too long making me hope it wasn't crazed or overly cocky and willing to mess with us. But no, it was as wise as any creature and silenty slipped into  the drain pipe and disappeared. 
The Extra is the weird piece I finally finished knitting and will felt, but isn't is slightly hideous! I'll either cut out that center brown and yellow part, or maybe add a yellow fringe to either end. It's purpose? Who knows. Anyone want it?

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