I’m gonna get that mouse . . .

 . . . just let it move a claws length and . . .
This morning was taken up with helping neighbours with internet problems (again).  This was my first port of call and it was just to take a look at her options with Full Fibre Broadband which is just around the corner, and a current download speed of less than 5 Mbps.  Her cat decided that I was a good thing from square one.
My second port of call was over the road who I’m currently rebuilding – a bit at a time.   Somehow his Google Search page had decided that he was in Spain, and would not be persuaded otherwise.  I can honestly say that I have never seen that before.  A selective cull of the cookies soon it to rights.
I reckon that will do me for today, so a shot straight out of the telephone will have to suffice for today’s Blip.

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