After school

After a bit of indecision, we decided the eldest was probably OK for school (he was quite perky this morning). Still wasn't really up for food, so the husband offered to make him whatever he wanted for breakfast - a bold move for a Monday morning! So we started our day with pancakes! Yummy - I may have mentioned that they husband kind of asked for it when giving such a kind offer to the eldest. 

The day went super fast, I'm very busy at the moment and desperately trying to vet through things. Spent an hour of my evening claiming expenses as I never get to it otherwise.

The boys played beautifully when they came home, they didn't do after school club and when I'd finished work went into the kitchen to find they'd set up a game and played it with their teddy's, and have moved on to play another game. Very happy that they entertained themselves without any squabbles for well over an hour.

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