Snowshoes, sauerkraut, baking, Mexican train

The title tells the story of the day. First some snowshoeing, including treading out a new path up to the top of our nearest hill. Alongside Jude are the tracks of an elk which walked this way a while ago. Earlier we had seen some elegant tracks, laid out in a straight line, back foot landing where the front foot had been, and too large for a fox, which also walks like this. Just pads, no claws; could it have been a lynx? That is definitely a possibility.
Once home Jude and I made some sauerkraut, so she could see, and feel, how it all worked.
Jan and Jude headed off to Betty's to do some printing while Dave and I prepared dinner. A simple job tonight because we are eating food left over from previous days.
I decided to bake some fresh bread and went for a particularly Swedish loaf using rågsikt flour, a mix of rye and wheat (40/60%). I was using commercial yeast to speed things up, which it did. However, it was not my best bread, having over-developed and collapsed a bit just as it went into the oven. I'm sure we will eat it however!
As I was finishing off the baking we played Mexican Train, finally ending the game we started three evenings ago!
Another day of fun and activity with the visitors!

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