It was either a pic of my computer screen or this of Nate, sat in his bed practicing this song for world peace day, his class will be singing it. He knows the words and sings it beautifully. He was very keen I know they don't sing 'idiota' but 'persona' instead, ha!
My morning was split between Sole and study. Sole was posting bail for her son so we met for coffee and a chat, and then went to do her photos and to both sign on for the prison visiting. So so good to be with her. We went our separate ways mid morning and I headed to the library for 2 hours to work on the Chaplaincy stuff.
Good to bump into Tchani as Asha and I walked home from school. 
Team meeting this afternoon which was also good - lots talked and prayed about! Danny went off to the prison and bumped into Sole and half the community, waiting to recieve her son with open arms!
Danny's now teaching on a zoom. He was asked to give a talk on 'peace' to a group of church leaders and pioneers in the South West region of the UK!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) How well used the library is... Such a great space.
2) Time with Sole.
3) Asha feeling ready for tomorrow's presentation exam. 

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