
By PorridgeWog

Sunshine and blue sky! (Day 3185)

The plan this morning was for a slightly later start, a trip to town for bits, then down the barriers to change an electric shower. The plan changed a bit when, two minutes after she left to head to work, I got a call from my beautiful wife to say she had a flat tyre. The most difficult part of the job was releasing the stupid cable thing which Ford use to hang the spare under the van. Typically the spare was flat, so I had to head home and pick up my compressor. All done and dusted in half an hour or so which wasn't too bad. At least it didn't rain too much.
After cleaning up, I got back to the plan, and on the way back home dropped in to another customer to sort out a blocked basin.
Home for lunch and a wander with Sigyn, then across to Stromness with HV to check on the horses.

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