being watched ...
ok firstly I'd like to thank everyone who firstly commented on my photo yesterday and those who welcomed me back to blip, I took out a membership so now I'm in it for a year at least.
Today I took myself up to Druridge Bay in Northumberland for a near 12 mile run on the beach. The tide was out, which is a good thing and I had my little LX7 with me to record images on the run. Now those of you who know me will know that I am first and foremost a Landscaper/Seascaper and cloudscaper. When I was about 30 minutes into my run I got to think about how when I was a little kids, patterned wallpaper and curtains were all the rage and I remembered that if you stared at them long enough you could imagine faces in them. Well when I was running past the point at which I took this photo I could have sworn that I saw someone, what do you think, clickety click
I haven't run for ages so this was cathartic for me, apart from my photo experience my abiding memory of this beach is one of serenity, it's six miles long and I reckon I saw no more than half a dozen people. I loved the sound of the crunching seashells as I ran over them, the swim in the Sea which was about 10 degrees celcius.
If you have time have time have a look :
and you'll see what I mean.
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