A place in time

By Verbosa

Back to my roots

I originally had this book several years ago but ended up donating it to a charity shop…

What a crazy thing to do!  Never mind, I’ve bought myself a spanking new copy which has been revised to boot, and I’m about 90% through it.  There’s also an app for easy reference when choosing food, which has been a true blessing.

Unsurprisingly, hubby & son are a different blood group from me, which makes catering a little interesting.  But oh my goodness!  Can you believe the major troublesome foods for me are chicken, corn and tomatoes?  We're always told how healthy all three of these are, yet it turns out that they are my Kryptonite!  And nuts...there was me thinking I was being good chomping away on peanuts, cashews & pistachios, but they are also no-go for me.  Walnuts, Brazils and macadamias from now on...

Thought for the day:

“Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live”
— Jim Rohn

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