
I think I've caught up with the laundry now, well almost, two loads done and the basket in the bathroom isn't half full yet, and at least the clothes are too wet to be moved to the ironing pile where they will stare at me for maybe a week until I can put that chore off no longer.
Jas went to bed last night muttering about stomach ache, she woke up still complaining about it, so eventually I sent her back to bed where she slept for another three hours, I am a cruel and heartless mother - I make sick days as dull as possible, no TV, no trailing after me to the supermarket, just staying in and 'resting'!
On another sick note - I had to take Logan to the vets this morning, last Thursday I found a walnut sized lump under his skin by between his ribs and his hip, it didn't hurt when I pressed on it and other than that he was fine, the vet says its a lipoma and not to worry about it, poor puppy, I guess it's another sign of his advancing age.

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