Back Into Revelation

We enjoyed our Winter Renewal services and the ministries of Bro. Charles Colvin and Bro, Jimmy Draper during those sweet services.  So we came together this morning, refreshed and renewed, to lift our hearts and voices in congregational praise and worship to God.  After the welcome from Chris, the choir, orchestra and our talented accompanists presented an inspiring rendition of the anthem,"We Will Remember".  The congregation joined in when directed to and then continued to worship in song just before Pastor Wes took us back into Revelation 20:1-10.  He began by saying that it is important to remember the context of the passage; that it is a real letter to real people dealing with the  the difficulties of following Christ in that society  and we should also remember what came before in Revelation 19 when we are told of the downfall of that society which had access to all the prophecies about the Messiah, saw them fulfilled in the life of Jesus and still refused to recognize Him and what their end would be----they would be defeated in their final battle with just a breath from Him.  Chapter 20 begins with mention of the abyss where the false prophet and the antichrist are already being held and where Satan himself will be imprisoned for a time.  He spoke about the 1,000 year reign of Christ on the earth and all that will take place during that time and what will happen when Satan is released from the abyss for a short time.  Pastor Wes had much more to say about what all happened and how it went down, but he said the important thing to remember is that in the end, Jesus wins and so do we, if we belong to Him.  You should listen to the Live-stream and be reassured that when all is said and done----Jesus wins!  We would love to have you join us next Sunday for more encouragement......  

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