I can't get you off my mind

Another grand day

Except for the bird watch.   High winds, pouring rains.  Birds just weren't playing today

One magpie, one song thrush, seven starlings, one crow and a blue tit 

Not much is it?

Anyways.  I did an hour of Spanish. I cleaned the bathroom.  And then I started on the willow 

Oh my heavens. 

I almost had it finished.  

I  was so confused that my inserting of the willow was not as simple and easy as the demonstration.  

Then it dawned on me... I had set up two of the holding spars the wrong way round l.

So I unwove it and started again it does look better and it was easier than before

It's going to take me another weekend to finish it off. I can't get the hang of twin weaving; and it is very tight I stopped before.i lost the will and threw it into the distance

And now Sunday evening telly after or mushroom and spinach orzo;  call the midwife: Grantchester; antiques.  Lovely!  

Cuppa tea and then bed 

Oh lovely 

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