
Long, busy day today.  I started work early, so that I could finish by midday - then headed off to Somerset AGAIN.  (Some very sad news before that, though - my boss's Dad, who had been ill since Christmas, had passed away.  So sad for her.)

Got to the respite care home around 2:30pm, just a minute or so before my brother, so met him in the car park and went in together.  We had an hour or so with my Mum before Annabel from the new care company came to meet her and assess her needs.  All fairly reassuring (though still a bit of a query over whether they can change dressings), and she went away 'to get her skates on' to try and get everything in place for Mum to go home on Monday.  (She obviously did, because she emailed just as my brother and I were leaving - to confirm that they could do Monday.)  So all in all, a pretty positive visit.

My brother set off back to Kent, and I stayed overnight at my Mum's house.  Did lots of jobs there, including a couple of loads of washing, and fixing this door handle which chose this time to part company with the door.  Had an hour or so relaxing after that - absolutely exhausted - and then to bed.

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