
Mrs C in position for the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. Feeders filled, notepad ready to record sightings and binoculars handy in case recognition of species is not immediate. She was covering the back garden whilst I kept an eye out on the front whilst I did the ironing.
At the end of the designated hour we compared results. It didn’t take long - nil from both of us. The same result as last year, which begs the question is our garden a barren wilderness, bereft of wildlife? No.
Upon drawing the curtains this morning there were several birds in the garden. As there have been every day.
My theory is that because it’s Birdwatch weekend, more food than usual is put out in our neighbourhood, so our “regulars” go and see what gourmet delights are on offer elsewhere, knowing that we’ll continue to provide food for the other 364 days of the year!

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