Sunday Blip

I think maybe we are looking at the last hurrah from these roses, they have lasted a couple of weeks, and might make a few more days, the leaves have all died, so just the blooms maybe :-)

Not a bad morning, although I did wear wooly hat and gloves for a walk around the block. I infact went up to Cedars Roundabout where there are 20weeks of chaos, sorry road works! Those of you here in the Spotlight News area might have seen the report on Thursday evening. Even here on a Sunday morning there were traffic queues which got worse nearer to lunch time.

Apart from that it was a pleasant walk, birds singing in hedgerows. Spring is on its way, the pair of wood pigeons that nest in next doors holly tree, have been billing and cooing, just wish the weather would buck up a bit.

Hope you have had a good weekend. thanks for dropping by, take care out there and stay safe  :-) 

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