Epiphyllum Hookeri - Night Bloomer

My night blooming cactus has many flowers at the moment. I always hope that they’ll all open together and make a big show but that never happens!  This one opened last night just as I was going to bed and it was still open this morning at 6am. By 8am it had collapsed, they’re very short lived! 
Also found a big redback spider on the rooftop garden today. Havent seen one up there for a few years now and I’d almost forgotten to keep an eye out for them!  As I was watering I saw it scuttle away just as the water hit the web which was thick and intense!!! Ugh!  Needless to say it had to go as there were a few egg sacks and that meant we could have ended up with lots and lots! Eeek!  They’re very poisonous and not something you can live and let live!!
Managed to get a nice shot of my orange geranium as it was a cloudy morning so thats in extras and Mr DW went to the car wash and I took a shot of the clean car, which, looks kind of space age in the shot, also in extras! 

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