Ink painting

Wildlife Nighttime cameras
Cats & then finally the Fox
Midnight and Jade often share the swing in the night. And it also tends to keep inquisitive badgers at bay. The badgers seem reluctant to even look at the swing when Midnight is on it! But no badgers this night, although on other clips in between these, eyes were seen in the bushes...(badgers?).
Chunky Marmalade was not welcomed by Midnight, yet Foxy Loxy was an acceptable visitor!!!

Creative fountain pen drawing and spray water...
Just playing around. Scribbling...
A little bit of colour with a water brush and felt tips...

The moon was very bright last night. As bright as day, and so I got to see the badgers and foxes first hand through my glass door...

Skype call been cancelled for this week. That's okay. Grandkids are celebrating last day of freedom on the beach before new school term starts.

Cuppa tea and a quick nap now.
App promises sunshine today.
So I will be in the garden as soon as possible if the weather app delivers its promise...but it will still be another month before the sunshine reaches the swing or the actual ground. I am so glad I bought all those holey outdoor rubber mats last year to place on all the pathways round my garden. There is no danger of me slipping any more. It does look odd, but it's well worth it.

Have your best day...

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