
By Madchickenwoman


I've  had  bad nights sleep this week - one due to Oscar needing to go to the toilet. He sometimes gets an upset stomach  for no obvious reason. This time I'm wondering if it was the chicken that Luna's owner had given me for having Luna. I know chicken is supposed to be good for after a dog has had an upset stomach so seems rather bizarre! But then Oscar has never had chicken for obvious reasons! 
I forgot to mention that Tai Chi man who walked Oscar when I was recovering is on a course - hence me helping out with Luna. I knew he had started a new job so had presumed it was training to do with that. No! He has gone to Thailand to do a 2 week course on Internal martial Arts! Controlling Chi flowing in the body! He had suggested his wife went with him but she didn't fancy sitting alone in a hotel whilst he was doing his course! Seriously!!! I'd have been there in
a heartbeat!
The second reason for my disturbed night was Green Tea! I usually drink Ginger and Lemon or peppermint, but as part goal to drink more fluids and eat healthily my app suggested it. I had an unopened pack so I had one in the evening  and another the next day in the morning. The first night I was awake at 4. The next day come the afternoon I was mentally racing - as if I'd had a caffeine hit! Which of course I had! Green tea has more caffeine than the coffee I drink as I've been  drinking  decaff for years! So of course I was racing! The annoying thing is that I had ordered some Green Match tea as this is supposed to be even more healthy than Green tea - but has even more caffeine as of course you are drinking the leaves in fine powdered form! I shall have to wean myself back onto caffeine! 

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