Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce


Well my first market of the year (tomorrow at Livingston) has been scuppered due to the high winds. I really truly understand now why farmer's get so anxious about the weather, when your income depends on factors so far beyond your control its beyond frustrating. 

I made use of the unexpected 'free' day by making another hot process soap - this time using just coconut oil as the base - I used spirulina (green)  and butterfly pea (blue) for the colour and fragranced it with Lemongrass essential oil. This is the weird phase when it 'cooks' using this particular method in a slo cooker. 

On the plus side I've heard that I've got into a couple of markets (both indoors) that I had applied for (if only it was possibly to compeltely bypass the outdoor ones and all that uncertainty that they entail). 

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