It's a Journey....

By LeeAnn


With all the talk of the Supermoon, I had to give it a try. This is my first attempt at a full moon. Don went into the city to get the moon rising over the skyline so I was on my own. I was all set up out by Swede Lake, but of course, the clouds moved in. For one-half hour I watched the birds and geese on the lake, but then gave it up. Besides, I was parked and standing beside a fairly busy road and it was getting dark, so not safe. As I drove back into town I had another spot in mind, and sure enough, I could see the moon starting to peak through the clouds. As I got set up the clouds cleared out and the mosquitos moved in! So considering all of this, I am pretty pleased with my results.

Woke up this morning to our neighbor knocking on the door telling us to check out basement for water. We had gotten 3 inches of rain in a short time early this morning and had standing water between our houses. They had water running into their basement. Thankfully our sump pump was able to keep up to the flow, but it was running constantly. Hopefully we will have a dry week coming up.

We had a very nice, surprise visit from our friends Joe and Cilla today.

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