
Friday and I had planned to go and see No.2 in London.  I was going to go to BP then shower and change at the gym but decided not to bother as I had a few bits to do at home so pottered then set off for London around 11.00.  I met him at his studio and saw his new works headed for Miami later this Spring.  He wanted help with his tax return but actually I just sat and watched him do it as following my help last year he had kept detailed records of all his invoices and expenses!  

We had planned a walk/lunch but he had some ceramics to collect from Camden so I accompanied him in the car while he drove an hour each way!  London traffic is a nightmare.  It was good to spend time together and the ceramics had been fired in a co-operative comprising coffee shop/market garden.  Oh for an injection of a few £££ to tidy the place up and repair/refurbish some of the buildings but then I suppose it is not an area that anyone is going to invest.  We talked about how nice it would be to have a space like Maggies for a community space for theatre, music, arts, gardening etc.  Maybe when my lottery numbers come up?

Home for a small dinner (lunch ended up a quick sandwich in the car at 4.00pm) and the final of Traitors.  Day done.

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