The village pond
My day today has been like the weather and that's mixed, some parts I was busy sorting out space for all my Hungarian stuff that's being delivered this week (I get my coffee machine back) and I cooked lunch for the family, Roast beef today :-) I've also I time to sit and catch up with Blip and some paperwork.
The weather has been mostly wet and windy, but at about 19:00 the blue sky came out so we all went for a walk around the village pond. I was hoping to see some damsels or the odd dragon but nothing. I did like the way the clouds were reflected off the lake though.
Another early start and a late finish tomorrow and probably for the rest of the week, so my commenting will be hap hard to say the least but I'll do my best :-)
Have a good week my friends and thanks for all the hearts, stars and lovely comments on my Pier blip yesterday it's really very much appreciated :-)
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