Picking up where I left it at age 13
I really enjoyed drawing when I was a young girl, but as I got older I realised I wasn't as good at it as my talented friend (and others), so I quit. Now, at age 59, I started playing with colours, and also bought a sketching book and a pen. And suddenly I started to draw faces, similar to those I did as a teenager. I almost felt a little silly, but decided to go with the flow, talent or no talent aside. I just draw and don't care about a skew nose, different shape of eyes and all other imperfections. It's not supposed to be perfect, in fact it's not supposed to be anything but fun. And I do have fun watching different faces emerge on the paper. I don't try to draw familiar faces and don't decide beforehand what kind of person I am going to draw this time. They just appear from nowhere, and it's almost exciting to see what pops up each time :)
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