Cornel fach o'r llun

Cornel fach o'r llun ~ A small corner of the picture

“Still round the corner there may wait, / a new road or a secret gate.”
― J.R.R. Tolkein,

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Treulion ni'r dydd cyfan yn brawf ddarllen llyfr. Rydyn ni wedi bod yn gwneud newidiadau i'r llyfr ar ôl cafodd e ei brawf ddarllen gan ei awduron.  Mae'n llawer o waith i ni i wneud. Rydyn ni'n siŵr bydd pobol yn ei werthfawrogi pan mae'n gorffen.

Doedd dim llawer o amser i fi tynnu lluniau heddiw. Mae ffotogyfosodiad gyda ni ar y wal ar ben y grisiau a chefais i mi'r ysbrydoli i dynnu ffotograff o gornel ohono fe. Gwnaeth e i mi feddwl bod dyma rydyn ni'n gweld o'r bywydau pobol eraill, dim ond cornel fach. Mae'r gweddill yn ddirgelwch.

Ym 2012, pan roedden ni'm meddwl am symud tŷ, dechreuais i dynnu lluniau o'r pethau bod rhaid i ni adael ar ôl.  Felly dyma ran arall o'r un ffotogyfosodiad. Ond wrth gwrs rydyn ni'n 'yma o hyd', a dydw i ddim yn meddwl rydyn ni'n mynd i symud nawr.

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We spent the whole day proofreading a book. We have been making changes to the book after it was proofread by its authors. It's a lot of work for us to do. We're sure people will appreciate it when it's finished.

I didn't have much time to take pictures today. We have a photomontage on the wall at the top of the stairs and I was inspired to take a photograph of a corner of it. It made me think that this is what we see of other people's lives, just a small corner. The rest is a mystery.

In 2012, when we were thinking about moving house, I started to take pictures of the things that we had to leave behind. So here is another part of the same photomontage. But of course we're 'still here', and I don't think we're going to move now.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Cornel ffotogyfosodiad
Description (English): Photomontage corner

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