65 F/ 18 C

Some sun but a bit
cooler today - at least I
don't need a shovel! 


Until today, I believed that if I got to the post office first thing in the morning, it would not be busy. I feel sorry for the staff as this little building is not sufficient to meet the needs of staff or customers during the snowbird season. At 8:50, just five minutes after opening, the parking lot was more than 75% filled. i walked into the building to find 20 people ahead of me in line. I decided my time was better spent elsewhere and I could return later. Outside the building, some staff were busy sorting parcels in a parking area. I wondered how they manage on wet days such as we've just had. 

I drove on to the Arizona Marketplace, just opening for the weekend. I had some fabric I needed to find in the quilt store. It's always a pleasure to wander around in there. I did find some delicious turquoises and greens today. 

I decided I would try some breakfast in a new place on the north side of the Marketplace. I had some trouble with the Spanish menu but the lady behind the counter was very helpful. I ordered a breakfast burrito, then sat waiting for it to arrive at my table. It was so hot when I got it that I put it in the bag with my fabric and headed for my car. It would be better to save it for home. 

On the return trip, I got into the post office. This time there were only 2 people in line ahead of me. The last stop was for a fill at the gas pumps. Then, I was on my way home.

I'm home enjoying the sunny day from my living room windows. That quilt needs my attention. 

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