
A more out than in day! Picked the wee one up about 8.30am for nursery and got stuck in high school traffic…by the time I got over to Berwick we were late so I was directed to the main door where someone offered to take him in, he was having none of it though so I had to go all the way to his class…thankfully he happily said goodbye once we were there. Home, a quick breakfast and out to Zumba…the usual cuppa followed by a walk along the prom. Home for a speedy lunch before heading back to Berwick for the walking group…a walk round town, a cuppa and we set the hall up for a surprise birthday party. I’ve got about an hour to get myself organised to go out again but thankfully there looks to be enough food not to need any tea tonight…after that I think I’ll just collapse in front of the TV!

Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday.

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