Living my dream

By Mima


G and I gardened at her place this morning, chatting as we went. We put the world and our heads to rights. 

My inability to truly inspire people to adapt their lifestyles in response to the global resources and climate crises, has been frustrating and depressing me recently. G feels likewise. It was wonderful to nut out why we feel responsible, and even more useful to discuss what to do about it.

We began to focus on the positives of our lifestyles, and the moments when we know that somebody has taken on board something we say, or something we do. Needless to say we both had quite a long list of examples. 

What an uplifting and affirming conversation. It set me up for a cheerful and productive afternoon back Chez Mima.

The chook run extension is now deconstructed and I’ll line trim the area tomorrow.

Talking of hens, I wonder if anybody is in the slightest bit surprised that #4 hen decided that today was the day to start laying again, just after I decided to add to the flock! See the extra. The new one is top right.

Among many other things I have bottled the most recent apricots. Oh my goodness, they are like nectar eaten straight from the ground beneath the tree, so once they’ve been bottled in honey syrup they will be heavenly. I’ll make more, that’s for sure. Summer in a jar.

Incidentally, these apricots do bear a passing resemblance to those from the shops, or straight from commercial orchards, but add much more sweetness and more flavour.

Bean loves the apricots too, and when I’m not watching she scours the ground beneath the tree for windfalls. This morning when I was doing the daily collection she snuffled under a grassy patch and stood back, to let me dig out two beauties. Too good for her I’m afraid, but I gave her a bird-nibbled fruit that I had already picked up. Fruity dog.

A good day.

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