As it happens..

By Mullet

Bike Man

His coat was flapping like a super hero's cape as he intrepidly conquered the endless hills. I managed to take this pic one handed while cycling along and I didn't even fall off which is amazing considering I nearly fell off numerous times with both hands on the handlebars...
We had a jammy day visiting far off places courtesy of the WWW. I spent most of the morning in Africa, watching videos of an elephant orphanage in Kenya pioneered by Daphne Sheldrick who's book about her life I have sadly just finished. I now have a burning desire to go to Kenya again and am trying to pass on that desire to the rest of the family. Also did a bit of shopping at John Lewis and got some birthday presents for Bike Man all from the comfort of my kitchen - the joys of modern life!
We had an energy rush after all that sitting around and cycled to Tobermory and back. Knackering!! So many hills!
The other kids didn't want to come so were told they had to go for a half hour walk and provide photographic evidence, which they did, mostly of the teenager covering his face.
Ah weekends :)

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