West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Family Feast

When I was wandering yesterday I saw this family of swans, I have been watching their progress over the past few weeks, their nest being on one of the small islands on the loch.

The fishing club have had a new jetty built over the last week or so and as such the loch level had been dropped to allow the new piles to be driven more easily. I followed the same route as yesterday, walking, thinking and reflecting on the events of the past few days. When I walk I usually dont take my ipods happiest enjoying natures song. This morning however the early morning rain muted mother natures voice and I slipped my shuffle into my pocket, I use this wee ipod for specific playlists and enjoyed some more reflective lyrics and songs as I ambled along. Today perhaps too personal and too reflective to share but then maybe a need..

I feel that I have known you for a lifetime now
Though these eyes of mine have never touched your face
The distance between us seems so great sometimes
How I need your love to fill this empty space.

I have decided that I am going to do a series inspired by songs and lyrics but I am giving some thought to this at present so watch this space...

Back to today, the family were swimming towards my vantage point, I settled into the wet grass, hunkered down, thankful for may waterproofs and waited to see if in fact they would oblige and come close enough to allow me some usable shots. I was rewarded as they came close to the bank , dad hanging back watching over his brood, proud and protective, perfect to watch. mum led the cygnets to the edge of the water and seemed to demonstrate how they should dook for weed, their staple food. They all seemed to grasp the idea except one, the show off, the boisterous, it swam around, looking to dad and larking about, he rose up and spread the nubs that will soon become wings powerful enough to break an man's arm. He was a rogue, a single frame almost captured him at full height such as it currently is.

I hope you enjoy him, his siblings and mum as they breakfasted, I gently took my leave and walked home, a mug of tea to warm me Dan Reed, John Martyn and a few select song-smiths keeping me company in those lonely early hours... Please enjoy the shot

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