Me, you and blip

By margaworld

Paris canal!

Shot of Canal Saint-Martin. Back blip unfortunately (sorry!)

Friday was an awesome day! I spent the day on a different site to the one I'm working at. It was a big site where they're doing some major renovation works on a "foyer" where they house Africans who come to work in France. Very interesting to go around it and see all the different things they've done so far. Even better, for lunch we had a big barbeque on site. The project managers from my usual site came over, as well as the general boss. I love the French way of working :D The barbeque lasted quite long and then I left at around 4pm so not a very long or hard day at work at all. A good start to the weekend!
It was the "fête de la musique" night too in Paris, with music stands and live bands literally on every corner, very cool indeed! My Swedish friend had organised a picnic in one of the parks, to celebrate "Midsomar" which is very big in Sweden. We then went to listen to some music and have a little dance by the canal. The night ended with a horrible metro ride down to Bastille, far too many (v. drunk) people, lots of police and a very odd elderly lady who stood in the middle of our group grinning at us and then followed us and started stroking mine and my friends's backs.
Oh Paris, you never seize to surprise me!

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