Ink painting

Cats & Badgers this windy night - Fox was about but off camera, or between the video clips (there is a break between one video clip and and the next, and there were about 200 video clips of Storm Isha of nothing, just trees and plants waving at the cameras), the high winds kept triggering off the videos), Foxy left his pointy hat message... outside my bedroom door that opens into the garden, so I knew Foxy had been about...

Creative... not my ink painting but I found it when tidying, it's my daughter's from when she came over from Australia last summer (I took her name out). And we were doing ink paintings together...

It's not raining, although weather app says it is, but another app says no rain until 11 so I will be venturing out there in a mo...

Have your best day...

Time for a cuppa...

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