Back in Sydney we only had a couple of days before leaving for Fiji. Of course we couldn't leave without seeing the AmeriChicks, Ann and Kim, one last time. Caro had arranged to meet them at The Marble Bar, where Jenny Jordan (the one who is almost as incredibly beautiful as Karen Sparen) had taken us.
I was surprised to see Kim and Ann looking VERY glamourous when we met. I suppose I shouldn't have been really, after all the Oz Experience Bus Trip wasn't a high-glamour, low-smell sort of thing, but they were both looking like they were on the pull and not meeting up with a Kiwi and her rather daggy-looking Pom.
They were on good form, and as hilarious as ever (when we told them about the adverse affect on the weather we seeme to have Ann replied, "We just had floods here! Would you mind just LEAVING??").
Caro and I were both amazed they were only 22 - not because of the way they looked but because of their rather sophisticated manner and cynical humour. Kim caught us up on what had happened to them after Melbourne. They had continued with Oz Experience up to Sydney, experiencing horrible camping conditions in a tent with a broken flap that wouldn't zip up in a rainstorm and mouldy orange blankets, and Kim's Very Exciting Night Walk trip to look at wildlife. It turned out to be not so much of a walk, but a drive through the countryside in the back of a van with various hungover guys. It seems she didn't even see that much, the highlights being when a cow attempted to take a shit on the front of the van, and the spotting of a wombat with mange. ("Do you think we should shoot it?") Kim also seems to still be experiencing her problem of attracting guys she really isn't interested in. She explained to us that she was avoiding one pub because there was a guy in there stalking her, and meanwhile, earlier that day a thalidomide guy had tried to pick her up.
As Kim was telling me these stories, she would occasionally stop and ask, "Is THAT going in the email?" Obviously she was now looking forward to playing to a wider audience.
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